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Moving to Ireland in 2006 began my adult life. After many years of living away from my country, my language, and my heritage I don’t know where my home is anymore.  Searching for a cultural identity and a sense of belonging influences my art.

The inspiration for my artwork comes from living in a fractured reality between wanting to belong and noticing the differences. It is an exploration of the everyday experience of building anew identity and putting down roots in a country, language and culture that is unfamiliar and foreign to me. 

I am particularly interested in the links between the ways people live, their communities, their language and how the boundaries of identity are altered when your affiliation with these fundamental elements is altered.

My artwork is primarily collaborative and involves shared experiences with the people around me.   This is not an accident, rather it is fundamental to my work as the act of creating my art is simultaneously an attempt to create a space for myself within my new social and cultural context.

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